I have a general collection of both cacti and other succulents housed in a 17 by 20ft (5x6m) greenhouse.
Since taking semi-retirement from my business, I now have time to indulge my main interests; succulent plants and the restoration of my collection of around 4000 old photographs of my home town Seaham and surrounding towns and villages.

Recently a combination of aspects of these two hobbies, digital image manipulation and plant photography has enabled me to produce images of cacti and succulents which in the main would not have been possible using conventional photographic techniques.
Most of the images on this site are digital compilations of various parts of one or more plants; the most common technique being to combine the in-focus sections of two or more photographs of a plant using Photoshop CS. on computer.
To have special appeal and to lift a photograph beyond the realm of the record shot, the final image must usually be a distortion of the truth to some degree. My images begin with photographic fact but I usually have to dip into fiction at some point to make them entertaining, to hopefully stop you in your tracks!
This manipulation does not extend to altering the physical characteristics of a species, just to re-arranging various parts of the plant in a realistic and pleasing fashion and/or correct remove or hide any less than perfect parts of the plant or flower Whatever your opinion of my work, I would be very pleased to have your comments.
Copyright of all photographs belongs to David Angus, please do not use without permission.
To the best of my knowledge species names are correct,re.genera, I am no botanist and have trouble keeping up with changes, so please bear with me on this one.
David Angus
Contact Botanica